Sunday, 14 April 2013

Infantile Eczema, Dairy Allergy etc

Mr. T looking happy. Cheeks healing a lot better this week. 

Hey there :)

First of all I'd like to thank everyone that got in touch with us after my last blog post about Mr. T and him being ill. I am really touched by all the ideas people have come up with, and the effort people went to to try and help. Thank you, and thank you again :)
Thank you also to all the special people that have offered help and support here at home, ye know who ye are ;) And thank you Damie for being his second mummy, his comfort and cuddles when I had jobs to do. Safe travels and don't become a stranger.

We finally got to see a specialist Paediatrician last Tuesday, and our Mr. T was diagnosed with infantile eczema which had gotten infected, he is also allergic to dairy, and we need to keep him away from fish and eggs also.

Fortunately babies  usually grow out of infantile eczema  by the time they are two.  Sometimes it develops into asthma, but fingers crossed he will just grow out if it. There is no known cause according to the doctors, but surely, looking past the constrictions of modern medicine, and looking out towards the alternative angle, there must be contributing factors. I for one know that my pregnancy with Mr. T was extremely stressful, maybe that has something to do with it. The only thing we can do until then is make him as comfortable and  happy as we can.

In order to get him out of this bad stage of it we have had to put him on antibiotics for five days to clear up the areas that got infected due to scratching and friction burns from gloves. The doctor also prescribed a new ointment, simply called Emulsifying Ointment BP. It's like butter, you melt it in your hand before you lather it on. We are covering him in this three times a day, as well as using it as a soap substitute in his baths. It's made of paraffin oil which we're not crazy about, but once this inflammed stage has died down we can start mixing in the natural Salcura range a bit more. 
I've also ordered a natural cream from a lady on Etsy,...see what happens. 

We are also still seeing our homeopath in the hope that he can help, and also maybe look at the root of the problem.

All we can do at this stage is get over this step, and then hope it calms down a little and we can all get some sleep :) 

I'd like to thank everyone also for viewing and sharing this blog. I hit 1,000 page views today. From Russia to the States, from Vietnam to Australia. Thank you :) If anyone out there has a little angel with the same issues as Mr. T and wants to send me an email I'll do everything I can to help. I know what it's like when the system of medical care cannot provide answers, and the answers that they do provide only cause more confusion and distrust. I am in no way a doctor or have medical knowledge, I can only give advice from one mother to another. My advice simply stems from trial and error and my own personal research.

1 comment:

  1. Heya , good to hear he is on the mend !fay x
