I have decided to change the look of 'The Reality Of A Perfect' life. Rather like a blog birthday I guess for having reached over 3,500 views, which in my eyes is absolutely amazing as I only started this venture 7 months ago.
I hadn't expected such a great uptake on the blog, and am delighted it's being viewed by so many all over the globe. It is time to take on a more clean, focused look as I am more serious about it now. I realise now that I can really try help people especially parents battling the fight against infantile eczema and I am driven to spread the word. It's how I first came to learn how we could help our little boy, and his life is a hundred times better for it. When I think about the battle we have behind us and the rewards we have reaped I realise how the spread of real-hands on information is so important in a world full of useless tabloids and marketing schemes. My experiences may not help everyone, or have all the answers, but when you are desperate to find out anything, anything at all to help someone you love you feel incredibly elated when someone finally provides a clue as to what you can do.
I am by no means a medical professional, and do not want to belittle any doctors advice. I appreciate everything our doctor has done for us. I take his advice, but I also use my common sense, and an approach that covers not just medication but also natural healing from the inside out. Some wise words:
"Let your food be your medicine - let your medicine be your food." -
Hippocrates - The 'Father of Medicine'
Modern medicine is great for diagnosing, and sometimes treating, but we can do a lot at home also by learning about what our body needs to be tuned and to work healthily at its peak. I am nearly 30 and think that by the time I reach 35 I will surely have learnt after extensive research and reading what my body needs and how I can feed it so that it's happy and healthy. I aim to encourage my family to do the same. Every individual is different and has different requirements.
At the moment this blog concentrates mostly on infantile eczema, allergies, and leaky gut syndrome, as these are the main focuses of my life at the moment. I will share my experiences with you and hopefully help anyone that stumbles upon it in need of support, and I will hopefully not bore the rest of ye to tears :) I promise, as the road to Mr. T's health gets easier I will also post other topics.